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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Christmas Toy Giveaway

As a school, we have a huge passion to ensure that we are living sustainably and not wasting, including the recycling of toys and books. With this in mind, we asked for donations of good quality toys and books that were no longer need at home. We received excellent donations from parents and staff so we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU! 


During this week the toys, books, jigsaws and games have been available for parents to select and take home. We are aware that this Christmas with the cost of living increasing and the ever increasing financial burdens this may provide an opportunity for families to select gifts that can be used as presents this Christmas. Parents were able to select the toys/books even if they were not able to make a donation. 


We still have donations left so please pop in on Monday or Tuesday next week. 
